Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program
Whether you are new to Medicare, currently on Medicare, or a victim of Medicare fraud…..
HICAP can help!
Fresno and Madera HICAP is a State Health Insurance Program that provides free, confidential, and unbiased one-on-one counseling services for Medicare beneficiaries of all ages.
HICAP Services
HICAP counselors are registered with the California Department of Aging & may assist Medicare beneficiaries with:
Understanding their Medicare Rights and Benefits
Coverage options
Long-Term Care Policies
Medicare Grievances and Appeals
Medicare Advantage Plan Enrollment Assistance and more
Fresno and Madera HICAP counselors also serve as Senior Medicare Patrol Liaisons and assist Medicare beneficiaries with the prevention, detection, and reporting of Medicare fraud.
HICAP is a proud member of California Health Advocates, which supports Medicare advocacy at the State level.
HICAP counselors do not sell anything!
Connect With Us!
HICAP is a program of Valley Caregiver Resource Center
We are able to schedule one on one counseling appointments via phone, virtual meeting, or in person with a signed waiver.
5363 N Fresno Street • Fresno CA 93710
Phone: (559) 224-9117 or (800) 434-0222
Fax: (559) 224-9181
Our Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am- 5 pm
Program Manager: Laura Robinson
Long-Term Care Specialist/ HICAP Counselor: Jean Kendrick, ext. 305
Outreach/HICAP Counselor: Carla Davis ext. 303
Community Outreach
Fresno and Madera HICAP strives to provide health equity and inclusion for all Medicare beneficiaries through community outreach events and educational presentations. HICAP may create a unique presentation that focuses on the needs of our diverse Fresno and Madera community members upon request.
HICAP welcomes every opportunity, including but not limited to:
Professional associations
Community groups
Retiree groups
Women’s and Men’s social clubs and groups
Tribal communities
Resource Fairs
Senior Centers
Photos from Previous Events

HICAP Grant: HI 2425
This website is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $331,736.00 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
Este sitio web cuenta con el respaldo de la Administración para la Vida Comunitaria (ACL) del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) de EE. UU. como parte de una concesión de asistencia financiera por un total de $331,736.00 con financiamiento del 100 por ciento de ACL/HHS. El contenido es del autor(es) y no representa necesariamente la opinión oficial ni el respaldo de ACL/HHS o del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.