ABOUT: Caregiver Resource Program
Valley Caregiver Resource Center (VCRC) offers a unique, comprehensive umbrella of services designed to help elders and their families master the challenges that accompany the aging process. As long-standing advocates and collaborators in preserving the health and quality of life of others, our aim is to promote personal and community well-being.
Valley Caregiver Resource Center system helps families and communities master the challenges of caring for adults with brain impairing conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, Parkinson’s and traumatic brain injury.
To be eligible for services, a client must be caring for an adult with a cognitive impairing condition that occurred after the age of 18 (for example: dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease), or someone 60 years and older in need of assistance with daily living activities (services for those caring for someone 60 and older are available in various counties where VCRC has the Family Caregiver Support Program).
Valley Caregiver Resource Center is proud to be a part of the California Caregiver Resource Center (CRC) system which consists of 11 sites across the state. The CRC's support unpaid family caregivers by providing essential services.
To connect with support wherever you live, visit:
Information & Assistance
Valley Caregiver Resource Center provides information and assistance on all aspects of care.
Family Consultations​
We assist caregivers in exploring immediate and long term care options, and provide support and guidance in decision making.
Legal & Financial Consultations
A free consultation is available to our clients with an attorney experienced in issues relevant to their caregiving. The attorney will provide advice in such areas as establishing durable powers of attorney, conservatorship, financial planning and clarification of community property laws.
Family Counseling
Short-term counseling with family members is available to help identify problems and explore solutions. Assistance is given in obtaining on-going counseling when needed.
Respite For Caregivers
Subsidies are available for in-home care and day care that assists families caring for an adult at home.
Speakers Bureau
VCRC will provide speakers on caregiver and senior-related topics to any interested group. We welcome opportunities to share this information with professional associations, community groups, senior centers, faith-based organizations, unions, women’s groups, political clubs, benevolent organizations, and any other interested group. There is no charge for this service. Call our office staff for more information or to schedule a presentation.
Training & Conferences for Families and Professionals
Specialized education about research, diagnosis, behavioral management, stress reduction, and other issues related to caregiving can be arranged.
Community Outreach
We offer a variety of services to seniors and their caregivers in the Central Valley through our Caregiver Resource Program. Our services cover Fresno, Kern, Madera, Kings, Mariposa, Merced, Stanislaus, Tulare and Tuolumne. We also organize educational presentations on our services through community outreach.
Caregiver Resource Specialists
Lizzie Avila - Lead Family Consultant:
Rosie Martinez- Outreach and Education Specialist:
Charity Tokash - Education / Development Coordinator:
Sarelia Munoz - Data Entry Specialist:
Mickey Yang- Intake Specialist:
Contact Information
Kevin Alvey - Program Manager:
Phone: (559) 224-9154 or (800) 541-8614
Email: kalvey@valleycrc.org
Satellite Offices
Modesto Office
1101 Standiford Ave. #A-10
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 846-9635 or (800) 541-8614
Bakersfield Office
1701 Westwind Drive #127
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 873-4000 or (800) 541-8614